Westover 2022

We hope the beginning of 2022 has been treating you and your family well. Several warm days have brought out families who’ve spent time outside enjoying the beauty of nature at Westover Farms. We have posted several events on our website including 2022 Fly Fishing 101 classes and Reel Recovery. We also have more people making reservations for upcoming holidays and weekends than we ever have had in the past. So, book your next adventure to Westover soon before everything is reserved. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022 and we are really looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Book Club: Fly Fishing & Leadership – Lessons from the Stream
The virtual book club was a HUGE success. We will be hosting another session sometime in the near future. Please check our website for the next session because it will be here before you know it! Please contact Steve Ehrlich for more information.
Gateway Chapter of Trout Unlimited – Brown Trout & Kid’s Fishing Day
Gateway Chapter of Trout Unlimited planted another set of brown trout eggs throughout the streams at Westover Farms. GTU will be back towards the end of February to retrieve the egg boxes. The brown trout have hatched, swum out of the boxes, and are now in the streams. GTU will leave the orange ribbon up where the egg boxes were planted, but the ribbon is now for reference only. It’s now ok to walk in the orange ribbon areas. We will send out another email within the next week which will fully explain the mission and progress of the brown trout at Westover Farms. The next email will also specify what to do if you see or catch a brown.
Fly Fishing 101 – 4/2; 5/14; 6/11; 7/16; 8/13; 9/17; 10/15; 11/5
Fly Fishing 101 is a great class that will teach you the fundamentals of fly fishing. A lot of information is packed into this day long class. Knowledge learned from this class can be used anywhere throughout the Midwest. The cost is $275 for 1 person or $225 per person if you bring a friend or family member. For more information visit our website or call us at 573-743-6284 to reserve your space.
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